Contact Lens Exam


Contact Lens Exam

Are you interested in contacts — or do you already wear them?

Make sure to let us know when you schedule your appointment. This will ensure your exam includes the extra time needed for Dr. Bosak to perform the additional tests necessary for your contact lens fitting or prescription update.

What is a Contact Lens Exam?

If you currently wear or are considering contacts, you will need a contact lens exam IN ADDITION to a comprehensive eye health exam.

Dr. Bosak will perform additional tests, specific to contact lens wear, during your contact lens exam to evaluate your eye and vision for contact lens wear. These tests include measuring your corneas (front surface of your eye) to help determine the correct size, type, and material of contacts best suited for you and your visual needs. He may evaluate your tear film to make certain your tears will allow you to comfortably wear contacts.

Your eyeglass prescription is not a substitute for and often different from your contact lens prescription. A prescription for glasses is determined based on the lenses being positioned in front of your eyes; where a contact lens prescription is based on lenses that sit directly on the surface of your eyes. That fact, coupled with the additional measurements required to maintain the health of your eyes in contacts, is why these two prescriptions are actually very different. Improperly fit, contacts can damage the health of the eyes.

Once we have the correct fit and prescription for your eyes, you and Dr. Bosak will discuss whether you want your contacts to correct any astigmatism (Toric), allow you to see up close (multi-focal) or possibly both. Do you want to throw them away each day and have the comfort of a new lens each day or wear them for an extended amount of time and have to clean them each day? Maybe you want them to darken when you go outside or change the color of your eyes. There are many possibilities.

Whether you wear glasses, contacts, or both, keeping your yearly appointment is very important. We need to see if you have any new or existing vision concerns and make certain you are seeing your best.