Daily Disposable Contacts
Some people like daily disposable contacts because there’s less risk of contamination and a shorter care routine. Some also just like the feeling of wearing brand new lenses each day.
Other reasons you might prefer daily disposable lenses include people with allergies. With new lenses each day, allergens don’t have a chance to build up on your contacts.
If you travel and can’t or don’t wish to bring your care solution with you, daily disposable contacts could be ideal.
If you decide to wear daily disposables, make sure you throw them away after each use. Reusing daily disposable contact lenses can harm your eyes.
Daily Wear Contact Lenses
Not to be confused with daily disposables, daily wear contact lenses can be reused each day for a set number of days. Normally that’s a week or two. Some lenses can be worn for up to a month depending on the contact lens and your specific eyes needs.
Daily wear contacts tend to be more affordable than daily disposable contacts. If you choose daily wear lenses, make sure you remove and clean them thoroughly with contact solution nightly before storage.
Extended Wear Contact Lenses
In case you didn’t know, there are contact lenses you can wear overnight. Although you can keep them in for the entire duration of their time frame, you can clean them whenever you feel necessary.
If you do decide to try extended wear contact lenses, eye doctors recommend that you get your eyes checked every 6 months. That way they can closely monitor your eye health for potential damage due to overwear.
Depending on the type of vision problems you have, you may also need contact lenses that accommodate certain conditions.
If your only vision issue is nearsightedness (trouble seeing objects far away), then you can wear most types of contact lenses.
If, however, you are farsighted (trouble seeing things that are too close to you), you’ll have to wear spherical contact lenses.
Many people experience presbyopia. In these cases, bifocal or multifocal lenses can help. These lenses are designed to let you see objects both near and far.
You may also like monovision contacts. One eye wears a near vision lens while the other wears a distance lens. Your eyes will work with your brain to gradually get used to the different prescriptions.
If you have astigmatism, or blurriness due to the irregular shape of your cornea, you’ll need either gas permeable (GP), hybrid or toric lenses. Toric contacts are the priciest option of the three but may be necessary with heavier prescriptions.
Here are five tips to help guide you to a lifetime of success with your new contact lenses.
1. Keep your lenses clean. Don’t take shortcuts with lens cleaning. Doctor Bosak will give you instructions that are specific to the lens care regime that is best for you. For example, if you are told to use a multipurpose solution, every time you remove your lenses, you should rub and rinse and then place them into your case with fresh solution. Don’t just top off the solution that’s already in the case.
When you put your lenses on in the morning, empty the case completely, rinse with fresh solution and leave upside down with the caps off, on a paper towel to allow it to air dry. Your lens case should be replaced every 3 months. If this cleaning routine sounds like too much of a bother, ask your Dr Bosak about daily disposable contacts. These lenses can be thrown away every night and a new pair is used each morning, eliminating any cleaning and storage concerns.
2. Hydrate. Whether or not you wear contact lenses, it’s important to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. In addition, depending on your lifestyle and environment, you may wish to supplement your fluid intake with rewetting drops for your eyes. For example, people who spend a lot of time on the computer or are exposed to dry air, heating, or air conditioning often benefit from eye drops—even if they don’t wear contacts. An important rule of thumb, if you wear contacts, is to make certain the drops you use are compatible with your contact lenses. Ask us about which drops are best for you.
3. Follow Dr. Bosak’s recommendations. Use only the products that are suggested by Dr. Bosak or our staff. Don’t substitute lens care products, even for a store brand, without checking with your us first. The solution you have was chosen specifically for your type of lens, so don’t make assumptions based on broadly defined packaging labels. It’s also important to keep your appointments with us. Whatever follow-up schedule Dr. Bosak gives you, stick to it.
4. Stick to the prescribed wear and replacement schedule. Don’t try to write your own rules. Wear your lenses only for the amount of time Dr. Bosak says is safe and replace the lenses according to that schedule. Don’t try to stretch out the life of your lenses an extra week to save a few dollars. Your vision is too precious to gamble with. Also, unless you were specifically prescribed continuous wear lenses, you should NEVER sleep with your lenses in.
5. Relax. Lots of people worry that they’ll scratch their eyes while putting their lenses in or—worse—that the contact lens will get stuck behind their eye. Relax. Inserting and removing lenses might make you nervous at first, but as awkward as it may seem, there is no need to be afraid to touch your eye as long as your hands are clean. Plus, the inside of your eyelids are connected to the back of your eye, so your lenses can’t possibly slip into an abyss.
Learning how to do anything new takes time. In fact, it may take a week or so until you adapt to life with contact lenses and feel truly confident.
While some people suffer from contact lens irritation. any discomfort you experience could just be a sign you’re not wearing them properly. If you’re experiencing any problems with your contact lenses, there are ways they can be addressed.
Everyone is born with differently shaped eyes. Very seldom will your eye shape ever be a consideration unless you wear contacts. But if you try to buy contact lenses without a proper contact lens fitting exam, you’re apt to end up with uncomfortable lenses. And that could be the least of your troubles. From poor vision to damaged corneas to blindness!
Dr. Bosak will measure each eye and ensure you get contacts that fit your eyes’ unique shapes.
One common reason your contacts can feel uncomfortable after insertion is having the lenses inverted or inside-out. Be sure the lens forms a smooth cup. If your contacts have any ridges, they are inside out.
Another common error is putting the wrong contacts in your eyes. Switching left for right isn’t a big deal if both eyes have the same prescription. However, if each of your eyes are different, switching the lenses can leave them feeling uncomfortable.
To avoid that confusion, develop the habit of inserting and removing your lenses the same way every time. If you always start from the right to the left or vice versa, you’re less likely to get them mixed up.
Tears act as the glue that connects your contacts to your eyeballs. If you experience dry eye, your contacts can start rubbing against your eyes, causing irritation. If you wear contacts, make it a habit to always keep a bottle of artificial tears on hand.
Continually dry eyes can be the result of several things. Aging can be a factor or something more serious, like diabetes or lupus. If you’re concerned about constant dry eyes, let us know.
If you leave your contacts in longer than instructed, your eyes will protest. Also, If you try to extend the lifespan of your contacts, to save money, you risk infection or damage to your eyes. Always replace your lenses on the schedule you are given.
If you live in a dusty or allergen plagued area. Dust, allergens, and other pollutants can stick to your contact lenses. Not only can this dry out your eyes, but it can also scratch them.
To avoid this, disinfect your lenses daily. Flushing your eyes with artificial tears prior to inserting your contacts can also help soothe irritation. Avoid antihistamines unless necessary, since they tend to further dry out your eyes.
If you don’t wear daily disposable lenses, you need to follow a routine to take care of your contacts. This means cleaning them every night and regularly washing your lens case. If you try to cut corners, you could end up with irritated eyes or a nasty infection. Always use fresh lens solution and handle your contacts only after thoroughly washing your hands.
Contacts themselves are safe and will not cause an eye infection if used properly. If you suspect you have an infection, don’t delay a call to our office. Infections are easily treated but ignoring the symptoms can lead to permanent eye damage. In some cases, blindness can result.
Contact lens professional fees are to help offset the extra testing and time required of the staff and doctor each year to properly
evaluate your contact lenses. These important steps are performed in addition to those performed for non-contact lens wearing patients.
Comprehensive history taking, reviewing wear and care issues, special measurements of the curve of your eye, assessing the current fit of your contact lenses and the current health of your corneas are just a few of the additional components of a contact lens evaluation.
The type of lenses you wear and individual contact lens related complexities your eyes may have, determine the fee for this evaluation.
Should you need to be refit into a different type or design of lens, A contact lens refit fees may also apply.
Our goal is to ensure that you remain a successful contact lens wearer throughout your lifetime.
Goodrich Optical, 2450 Delhi Commerce Dr. Holt, MI 48842
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