
Stress is the common term used to describe the emotional and physical fatigue that occurs when the body is overworked or under constant pressure. Unfortunately, stress can impact our vision in various ways as well. It is crucial to understand how stress affects our eyesight and what we can do to manage our stress levels effectively.


With age, you might have difficulty focusing on objects up close. You may become more sensitive to glare and have trouble adapting to different levels of light. Let’s look at some of the more common eye problems related to aging:


Menopause is the cessation of the menstrual cycle in a woman. Women experience symptoms such as hot flashes, mood swings, etc as their bodies adjust to lower levels of estrogen and progesterone. All women experience menopause differently. Some experience metabolic changes, weight loss or weight gain, and urinary tract infections among other changes. Others may not experience any changes at all.


Your eyes do not deceive you: Many women discover that they have blurry vision during pregnancy. No need to panic, though. Your vision will likely return to normal in the blink of an eye. Blurry vision during pregnancy is more common than you think, and sometimes sticks around until after you deliver.


We have all experienced headaches. Most adults get a headache every now and then, but how do you know if your headache is serious? The term "ocular migraine" can be confusing. It generally means a headache that's accompanied by changes in vision. The term is often used interchangeably to refer to two different conditions: migraine with aura.


Heterochromia comes from the Greek word "heteros" which mean different and "chroma" which means color. It is a condition where a person has two distinct eye colors. One can have this condition from birth or develop it over time. The colored part of the eye (Iris) consists of one of the colors, such as brown, green, black and blue. But some people have unique colors in one eye, and some have different eye colors because of heterochromia.


For those sitting in front of a computer screen (or screens) for long hours, the result has been a significant increase in eye related symptoms; Dry eyes, blurry vision, red, itchy eyes, headaches, as well as shoulder and neck pain. We refer to this as digital eye strain or computer vision syndrome, and it can lead to long term health implications.

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