A standard progressive lens may be uncomfortable for driving. Perhaps the visual field is insufficient, or peripheral vision is limited. At night, the lack of light complicates matters, increasing hazards and causing fatigue. In addition, one out of three wearers experience night myopia, considerably reducing their ability to focus on distant objects.
Endless Drive Progressive is a unique customized lens. Its power distribution is specifically adapted for driving. Its night vision zone compensates for the difference in refractive error that occurs between day and night. It provides greater visual acuity and reduces eyestrain.
By incorporating Goodrich Optical Digital Ray-Path 2 Technology, the lens optimization process takes into account the wearer’s accommodative ability to focus on different distances. The level of customization is therefore much more sophisticated and effective than previous methods.
97% of wearers who have used Endless Drive Progressive lenses have felt much more comfortable driving both during the day and at night.
Endless Drive Progressive lenses can be recommended for general use.